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Beck Soham

"Ejaculate Less, Live More: Taoist Secrets to Preserving Your Vitality"

Preserve Your Power: How Often Should You Really Ejaculate?

Learn on how many times to ejaculate according to your age
How often should I ejaculate?

In Taoist philosophy, the preservation and wise management of sexual energy is a cornerstone of men's health and vitality. Unlike the conventional approach, which often prioritizes frequent ejaculation, Taoist teachings emphasize the need to conserve semen to maintain and enhance one's life force. This practice isn't just about physical health; it's deeply rooted in the idea that sexual energy, or "Jing," is a vital substance that, when conserved, can be transformed into higher states of energy that benefit the mind, body, and spirit.

Why Preserve Semen?

From a Taoist perspective, semen is more than just a reproductive fluid. It's seen as a concentrated form of energy and essence that is closely linked to a man’s vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. Excessive ejaculation is believed to deplete this vital essence, leading to fatigue, weakened immunity, and a reduction in mental clarity and emotional stability. By managing ejaculation wisely, a man can retain his energy, enhance his health, and even achieve greater spiritual and creative potential.

Guidelines for Ejaculation

The Taoist approach to ejaculation is not about strict celibacy but about understanding and respecting one’s own body and energy levels. Different men have different thresholds for how often they should ejaculate, and this depends on factors like age, health, and lifestyle. Ancient Taoist texts offer guidelines to help men find their own rhythm:

  • In Your 20s: Ejaculate once every four days.

  • In Your 30s: Ejaculate once every eight days.

  • In Your 40s: Ejaculate once every ten days.

  • In Your 50s: Ejaculate once every twenty days.

  • In Your 60s and Beyond: Ideally, ejaculation should be minimized as much as possible.

These guidelines aren't rigid rules but rather recommendations based on the understanding that as a man ages, his ability to replenish Jing diminishes. Hence, older men are advised to ejaculate less frequently to conserve their energy.

Finding Your Balance

It's important to remember that these guidelines are just that—guidelines. Each man's body is different, and it’s essential to listen to your own body’s signals. For example, if you feel drained or fatigued after ejaculation, it might be a sign that you need to increase the interval between ejaculations. Conversely, if you feel energized and vibrant, your body might be indicating that it can handle more frequent release. 

Moreover, the Taoist tradition encourages men to explore the practice of non-ejaculatory orgasms, which can provide intense pleasure without the loss of semen. These whole-body orgasms not only conserve energy but also circulate it throughout the body, enhancing vitality and well-being.

Avoiding Obsession

While it’s beneficial to be mindful of ejaculation frequency, it’s equally important not to become overly obsessive about it. The goal is not to avoid ejaculation at all costs but to manage it in a way that supports your overall health and well-being. If you find yourself unable to control ejaculation, don’t be harsh on yourself. The key is to focus on recycling sexual energy and gradually developing the ability to delay ejaculation.

As you practice, remember that the true essence of Taoist Sexual Kung Fu lies not in rigid control but in cultivating a deep connection with your body and partner. It’s about transforming sexual energy into a source of strength, creativity, and spiritual growth. 

Power and Sexuality

As you begin to master the Taoist practices of semen retention, it's natural to feel a sense of pride in your ability to control and channel your sexual energy. Many men, after gaining proficiency in Taoist sexual practices, start to feel powerful, not only in bed but in their overall life. However, it is crucial to guard against letting this newfound power turn into arrogance or machismo. True power in Taoist teachings is not about domination or conquest but about harmony, love, and spiritual connection.

Just as in martial arts, where the real strength lies not in brute force but in sensitivity and balance, the same applies to Sexual Kung Fu. The real skill is not in how powerful you feel in bed, but in how you can use that power to deepen your connection with your partner and enhance your spiritual practice. If you allow pride and ego to drive your actions, you may lose the true essence of these teachings, which are about fostering love, humility, and kindness.

Egotism often stems from insecurity. As you cultivate real sexual confidence through these practices, you'll find it easier to let go of pretension and posturing. It’s important to be aware that as you increase your sexual energy, it will magnify all your emotions. Therefore, if you have tendencies towards arrogance or ego, these could become amplified. To counteract this, practicing the Six Healing Sounds, a Taoist method for transforming negative emotions, can be very beneficial. By addressing these emotions, you can ensure that your practice enhances your pleasure and deepens your partnership, rather than creating tension or imbalance.

Understanding and practicing semen retention is about more than just improving sexual performance; it’s about enhancing your life force, health, and spiritual development. By following these guidelines and tuning into your body's needs, you can enjoy a fulfilling sexual life that contributes to your overall vitality and longevity. As with all practices, patience and self-compassion are crucial. With time, you’ll find a balance that works for you, leading to a more energized and enriched life. Remember, the ultimate goal is not just mastery over your sexual energy, but the cultivation of love, humility, and spiritual growth in all aspects of your life.

Learn Taoist secrets of semen retention
Taoist Sexual Kungfu


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