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Beck Soham

How to master semen retention through meditation

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

To master semen retention you should learn new ways of moving your sexual energy through meditation. I always recommend two meditation practices for it: breathing through your lower Dan Tien and Microcosmic Orbit meditation. Dantian, dan t'ian, dan tien, or tan t'ien is loosely translated as "elixir field", "sea of qi", or simply "energy center". Dantian are the "qi focus flow centers", important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as qigong, martial arts such as t'ai chi ch'uan.

Why do I need these meditations?

You build up big amounts of sexual energy when practicing semen retention. The energy needs new pathways in the body to keep you balanced, grounded, and have clarity for bigger goals. Excessive energy can be channeled into achieving your health, career, and relationship goals.

When men practice semen retention, they discover that they are on the edge because all of a sudden they are amassing big amounts of energy in their bodies. That energy needs refinement and movement into higher dantians(energy centers) in the body. If your raw sexual energy is not given new ways upward it finds its way in stirring up your suppressed emotions, anger, sexual urges, frustration, and sexual fantasies. I am also going to teach you Taoist six healing sounds meditation to release and integrate your suppressed emotions and energies. Moving your sexual energies via microcosmic orbit is one of the successful ways to efficient semen retention.

Your highest goal as a practitioner of the Arts of Loving Connection is to achieve an understanding of how energies work in your body. You condense and refine your energy in the lower, middle, and upper dantians(energy centers). You basically take your raw sexual energy, jing, and transform it into chi, and then transform it into shen. Jing - is physical essence, Chi - is energy, and Shen - is Spirit. You learn how to transform your sexual energy into spiritual growth and achieve worldly fulfillment such as success and abundance. You turn the raw ore into a shining diamond. The energy of semen retention turns into real-life achievement.

Let’s be honest gentlemen, a lot of us are stuck thinking about just getting laid and making loads of money, it turns into an ego trip. Nothing is wrong with having healthy sexual relationships or making good money to live the life we want but what are the ways we approach it? Do we want to score sex with another woman that we can brag to our buddies about or are we trying to build a meaningful relationship? Is it a way to prove yourself that you are a sexy beast or is it a way to connect to a woman and see her divine essence? Many women nowadays complain that they are left empty after having sex with men, it turns into an exercise instead of creating a sacred space for both sides to connect and explore each other. You can hardly take a woman to orgasm without connecting to her heart first.

During our course, we teach men how to balance their spiritual and material lives. It is important to reach spiritual fulfillment and it is also important to succeed in the physical realm by achieving our worldly goals. Meditation helps you bring a sense of clarity and discernment into your life and maintain a balance. It is important to step out of the chaos of the world and see if you are moving the right way. Our minds and bodies are too overloaded with too much stimulation and information. We need to learn how to quiet our minds, take a deep breath and look inside.

Meditation technique:

As the first step in Daoist Internal Alchemy, let’s learn how to develop your lower dantien, the power center in your belly. There is a different way to practice this technique depending on what goals you are trying to accomplish. In general, stillness meditation is a very powerful practice within itself. You meditate and hold your awareness at your belly button or two fingers below it. After little practice you notice that you are accumulating energy there, it starts pulsing and gives you a sense of fullness. Cultivation of the energy field in your belly center starts growing into your middle and higher dantiens and naturally unfolds your energy field. It anchors you in your body and makes you present.

When your energy centers and pathways are open because of your meditation practice it makes semen retention effortless. It allows you to be grounded in your body and less affected by your urges and impulses because of your strong center in your dantien. It takes discipline to do the practices, there is no shortcut to your internal mastery, but the path itself is very empowering and I promise you, you will be proud of yourself when you achieve your goals.

It takes willpower to sit in stillness every day. Gradually as I practiced, I was able to eventually calm my mind and get into really profound states of stillness.

It’s about dedication and practice. This is achieved over time. If you’re interested in the techniques I practice, I highly recommend you start with a video I recently made on building the dantien. It’s a very foundational and powerful meditation.

There’s also the Microcosmic Orbit meditation in which you activate a core energy channel of the body that becomes an energy pole that you can circulate energy through.

What I noticed in my life once I started meditating is that I went from being a very anxiety-ridden, overthinking, depressed person to being very calm and centered. I wasn’t so easily thrown out of balance by the inevitable chaos of life. It shifted me. I was less likely to drink alcohol, smoke weed, or try to fulfill myself in external ways because I had an internal practice that helped me to be centered and balanced.

In conclusion, if you decide to practice semen retention, I highly recommend starting it with meditation practice first. It will make a big difference in your everyday life.

Best wishes in your journey,

Beck Soham.

So what are you waiting for? The road to becoming Sexual Masters and Multiorgasmic Men is only an email away.

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