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Beck Soham

Is porn addiction ruining your life? Is it even a real addiction?

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

Modern-day fast internet has made it easier than ever to watch porn at a fast pace, with many people calling themselves porn addicts. But is that a real addiction?

While we can argue about it, more people have become troubled by their porn use. Statistics show that around 4.4% of men and 1.2% of women consider themselves porn addicts, according to a survey of Australian adults, the first representative study on porn addiction. If those percentages translated to the US, over 6 million American adults would be indulging in a porn habit. The statistics though don't include teenagers, a group increasingly likely to perceive themselves as porn addicts.

There are new online communities such as NoFap popping online that treat porn as addictive, a group with over 725,000 members on Reddit alone. ("Fap" is internet slang for masturbation.) Starting as a challenge to see how long men could go without masturbating, NoFap is now a community that warns both men and women about the health risks associated with porn use.

At the age of 13, that's when most people watch porn for the first time. Mostly boys and an increasing number of girls, it's the start of a lifelong habit. Around 80% of men and 30% of women (45% if you include women who only watch with their partners) watch porn weekly.

Research shows that our hunter-gatherer brain, exposed to hours of pornography each week for years on end, becomes accustomed to super high levels of stimulation and begins to rewire itself, becoming numb to everyday pleasures but very receptive to porn. Watching porn creates a vicious cycle that leads to the erosion of willpower and the formation of an addiction. Porn causes physical, mental, emotional, social, and sexual dysfunctions in men. When the average person watches porn, the brain gets a hit of dopamine; so when you’re clicking video after video your dopamine levels go up to 200% of the normal level. Why is this a problem? The unusual amount of dopamine released while watching pornography causes the brain to shut down dopamine receptors so that fewer are available, effectively becoming insensitive to dopamine. This means that when you’re not looking at porn you feel depressed and lethargic. It forces people to seek other addictive activities.

Pornography destroys man’s perception and expression of sexuality. Most men learn about sex through porn. Many societies across the planet do not have good educational platforms or knowledge bases on how to educate men and women about the healthy perception of our biology and sexual relationships. Porn portrays a false view of sexuality. The porn videos show sometimes unrealistic and perverted forms of coitus that destroy young men's and women's approaches to healthy relationships. It emphasizes explosive orgasms with ejaculation that ultimately depletes men’s sexual energy. Porn never teaches you how to connect with your partner emotionally and create a safe space for vulnerability and joy. You never learn that you can experience full body orgasm. You only learn how to mindlessly thrust into your partner, ejaculate, and then retreat into yourself. The biggest complaint I heard from women is that after ejaculating, many men jump into the shower and leave their partner alone, right at the time she wanted to have a connection and feel safe and be embraced in her partner’s arms.

Sexual energy is very powerful as it bonds to experiences you associate it with. When you watch porn you bond yourself to it, and it becomes an addiction. Most porn actors are battling depression, drug addiction, and mental issues. Do you want to be bonding your sexual energy with them? Do you want to bond yourself to low-vibration relationships? Do you want a porn actor to be your hero? I don’t think so, but by watching porn this is what exactly happens- your strong sexual energy binds you to the image you are seeing on the screen.

A man who has low sexual impulses and constantly ejaculates while watching porn has low testosterone, low energy, lack of motivation and willpower, and no energy to create a real change in his life. He becomes a slave to his addictive habits, spending mindless hours over the screen. The porn industry has him by his balls.

As a teen, I was watching and masturbating to porn every day, sometimes 2-3 times per day and it became a daily habit. Soon after I realized how detrimental it became to my well-being, I was depressed with low energy and no healthy relationship with women. When I came across Taoist sexology and Tantra it changed my life and helped me preserve my semen and energy. It helped me to break my bad habit of watching porn and have more energy for my important life goals. If you sign up for my newsletter I will teach you how to break that habit.

My 6-week course, Sexual Vitality and how to use your sexual energy to achieve your life goals, is a powerful program for learning to master your sexual energy, break porn addiction, build daily practices which energize you, and help you live a healthy life of a multi-orgasmic man.

So what are you waiting for? The road to becoming Sexual Masters and Multiorgasmic Men is only an email away.

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