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Beck Soham


Updated: Apr 14, 2023


Do you know it usually takes the average man 4-6 minutes in bed before ejaculating - but most women take 20-40 minutes to become fully aroused and achieve orgasm?

Are you aware that many men feel sexually inferior to their partners, and this often leads to power games and a battle for superiority in other areas of the relationship? It may even go beyond the relationship, as men try to compensate by dominating politics, economics, and religion.

But in sexual life, the woman still holds superior sexual power because she can orgasm many more times compared to men who lose their power after ejaculation. Women are given the power to give birth to children. She is the goddess that births life and holds sexual superiority.

Taoist masters through millennia viewed sex as a very natural and important aspect of daily life and developed methods to harmonize sexual exchange. They taught men how to control their ejaculation, experience full-body multiple orgasms, and deepen their intimacy and energetic exchange with their partner. When a man learns to prevent his sexual energy from quickly burning out, while skillfully arousing and bringing the female sexual energy to a boil, the imbalance between male and female levels out, and the battle of the sexes becomes a harmonious dance.

Do you know that constant ejaculation without preserving semen is the main reason that modern men’s sexual vitality drops down in their 30s and 40s? A powerful way to stop this is practicing ejaculation control, or semen retention. Semen retention is a concept that has been practiced for millennia by Taoist alchemists, martial artists, and Indian yogis, as a way to preserve and recycle the energy which is usually lost after ejaculation.

Every single time man ejaculates he “shoots” 250 to 500 million sperm counts. Each sperm can grow into a human body when combined with a female egg. Now consider how much energy and potential is in that one sperm. Most men do not understand how much potential is discharged in their seed every time he ejaculates during sex or through masturbation.


· After each ejaculation, the body is depleted, and it takes a lot of energy and resources for the body to create new sperm. To restore semen production which is nature’s priority, the body uses its all reserves of nutrients and minerals that it takes away from other organs in the body.

Constant ejaculation leads to a deficiency in zinc, low testosterone levels in the body, depression, low energy, and brain fog. Semen is more than just nutrients, hormones, and chemical compounds. Taoist masters consider it the essential life force of the man’s body. It symbolizes man’s masculine drive to accomplish himself in the world, grow and transform, and fulfill his spiritual and worldly destiny. The Taoists regard sperm as being an aspect of “Jing”. Jing represents the lower vibrational spectrum of life force energy. As it is vibrating slower, it manifests as physical matter in a fixed form. The hormones and fluids of the body, especially the sexual fluids, are our source of Jing. The Ancient Masters say that when our Jing is depleted, human beings age quickly, diseases manifest, and death follows. By regulating ejaculation and learning how to orgasm without ejaculation(it is a secret technique you will learn in this training), a man can significantly preserve his energy, increase his ambition and magnetism, and stay youthful while aging.


Many Yogis in India practice sexual abstinence which is called “brahmacharya” or as we call it celibacy. While it can be a good way to preserve energy in the short run it is not a sustainable solution for a modern man. You can’t practice celibacy without transforming sexual energy into higher energy. Suppressing your sexual desire is not a sustainable solution. Sexual energy is a very powerful force that can only be contained for so long, if you try to hide it in the closet of your subconscious it often remerges and is acted out in very disruptive ways.

The Taoist Masters present a simple solution for this problem(we also teach it in our course) – learn how to control your ejaculation during sex, so sexual power can be preserved while experiencing deep intimacy and long-lasting pleasurable intercourse.

If you take our sexual mastery course you will learn the Taoists developed methods to circulate your orgasmic energy internally, capturing the sexual charge and harnessing it to supercharge your organs, the glands, and brain; enhancing health, energy levels, and creativity. This will lead to powerful full-body orgasms and deeply altered states of consciousness, without spilling a drop of your semen. Your sexual energy can also be circulated between lovers, creating a deep intimate connection and intensifying the healing yin-yang exchange.

· This practice of Taoist sexuality has been life-changing for me. Like many young men, I was horny and addicted to porn in my teenage years and early 20s. Nearly every day, I would sit stiffly in the chair in front of a computer screen and spill my life force in a short peak of ecstatic numbness, followed by lethargy and post-ejaculatory “hangover”.

I would get myself into short one-night stands or visits to prostitutes that would deplete my energy and would leave me empty without any heart connection. Over time, this started taking a toll on my energy level and relationships. It gave me low self-esteem, and an inability to meet and attract the right person into my life. I had no ambition or life purpose.

I lacked confidence and didn’t feel worthy enough to approach women whom I found attractive. I was weak and had no energy in my life as I was constantly ejaculating my life force. I began practicing martial arts and meditation. One day, I stumbled upon a copy of Mantak Chia’s book “Cultivating Male Sexual Energy”. I have learned a few practices from the book, even those few techniques altered my sexual life. I would last more in my sexual intercourse, and I have learned how to preserve at least part of my semen during ejaculation. It had an astounding effect on the women I dated at the time. One of my ex-girlfriends could not orgasm so she faked it every time we had sex. Finally, one day she confessed that she was able to get a real orgasm and her dry spell was over. It was magical for me, my results were amazing even with a few exercises I learned. This set me on my whole life’s journey of mastering my sexual energy and my intimate relationships. Every woman I dated would tell me how different her sexual experience was from mine. They would have more orgasms, longer sexual intercourse, and a deeper heart connection with me.

After moving to the US I started seeking out teachers, and eventually met with Michael Winn, co-author of “Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.” During his classes and retreats, I learned the secrets of Qigong and Taoist internal alchemy. I have learned how to move chi through my energy meridians, which are rivers of life force flowing through the body. Qigong is an ancient practice utilizing breath, gentle movement, and meditative awareness to guide Chi (subtle energy) through the body. Qigong is the language of energy and has been a tool for me to clear emotional blockages, and old beliefs, and to energize myself with abundant universal energy. Once I had the basic skill of guiding my internal energy, I learned to apply this to my sexual practices. When a man becomes aroused, his sexual energy gets activated. The sperm starts to swim around in excitement, generating a tremendous amount of electrical energy. As the energy builds, it starts to become congested and starts to flow outward. This flow moves in the path of least resistance - for most men this path is directly out the penis in an ejaculation. By working with internal sexual energy practices, I learned to create new pathways for the energy to move up. The primary channel is called the Microcosmic Orbit, running from the perineum up the back of the spine, over the head, and down the front of the body back down to the perineum. Connecting the tongue to the roof of the mouth completes this circuit. By using breath, visualization, and subtle muscular engagements, I could circulate the sexual energy through my Microcosmic Orbit as I became aroused. This dissipates the aroused sexual energy that goes up the microcosmic orbit, keeping ejaculation under control while bringing the orgasmic charge through the entire body. This greatly improved my sexual skills, during sex I could keep this sexual energy flowing up my spine, never building it up to a point of ejaculation. I have started experiencing states of powerful full-body orgasms. It started as a deep subtle pulsation in my belly and started to expand to my heart, and into my brain. During the sexual intercourse, I was deeply connected to my partner, circulating the sexual energy between us, feeling as though we were merging. I could feel her expanding as well, and I felt that we were in a powerful unison orgasm. My whole body was pulsating with blissful orgasmic energy, and I felt my energy extending beyond our bodies, beyond the room, and deep into the cosmos. This lasted for a few minutes before settling back down. I continue experiencing this kind of orgasm during lovemaking which I beyond the conventional ejaculatory orgasm which is only genital but not a whole body experience. ·


To start working on your sexual energy, try this practice: See your sexual center as a glowing pearl of pink energy. As you inhale, gently contract the perineum muscles (same as a Kegel exercise) and feel this pearl expand like a balloon. As you exhale, relax the perineum and feel the pink pearl contract. After a few rounds of this breathing, as you inhale and squeeze the perineum, bring the pink energy up into your heart. As you exhale feel the sexual energy concentrating in your heart center, mixing your sexual energy with loving heart energy. You can bring this energy into any area of your body, supercharging yourself with sexual energy. Try this exercise any time of the day and in any situation, notice if others start to react differently to your presence. You may find that you become very magnetic, as your aura is radiating this attractive sexual energy. Use this exercise before doing creative work, before exercising, and before working with a client, and you will find that it helps you channel powerful sexual energy into all activities.

The average person in this world has no understanding of the immense power of their sexual energy. It’s a bit like having a million dollars in the bank, but not being able to use it. You can invest this energy to grow and enhance your health, relationships, abundance, career, and spiritual path. Everything you put this energy into will blossom. Just as a tree grows from such a small seed, you can create an entire life of your choosing by harnessing the power of your sexual energy.

If you want to learn the secrets of ancient Taoist Masters and Masters become a master of sexual arts and increase your sexual vitality please join my mailing list to receive my blog posts and podcasts on other sexual mastery secrets.

So what are you waiting for? The road to becoming Sexual Masters and Multiorgasmic Men is only an email away.



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